Need someone to breathe life into the stories about your unique brand and mission? Pick me.


As a published writer, documentary photographer, and multimedia producer, I thrive on seeking and hearing storylines and presenting them, in the voices of the storyteller, in a way that fits your brand and your messaging, like a glove.

How I Can Add Value:

  • Conceptualize and produce creative campaigns from voice to visuals.

  • Work with your leadership team and employees to develop a messaging framework that positions your spokespeople as thought leaders in your industry. 

  • Creation of communications initiatives that incorporate the vision, mission, values, and strategic growth priorities of your organization.

  • Creation and placement of contributed articles.

  • Create guidelines for employees to act as brand ambassadors consistent with your overall company values and messaging.

  • Create strategy for communicating company vision, values and initiatives to foster internal shared understanding and engagement.


I had the pleasure of working with Kerry on a variety of web/interactive projects as a consultant for Principa. From an agency/client perspective, she’s a dream client. Kerry values good work, respects the creative process, and cares about the success of her customers/clients. She’s been wonderful to work with.
— Michael Ayhan, User Experience + Product Design